
Products Liability

Experienced Boston Products Liability Lawyers

Products put on the market are expected to work properly, and safely, for consumer use. When manufacturers release dangerous medications, devices, or other items that injure consumers, they need to be held liable for the harm that results. Boston product liability attorneys at the Naumes Law Group assist those injured by dangerous products, devices or medications receive proper compensation to aid in their recovery costs. The Naumes Law Group offers individualized, personal representation throughout litigation, with high quality, responsive and involved legal guidance and advocacy. If you’ve been injured, or lost a loved one due to a dangerous product, please contact us today to find out more about your legal options. There is no charge for your initial consultation, and any case accepted is handled on a contingent fee basis.

Establishing Liability for Dangerous Devices and Products

A product liability lawsuit arises where a defective product enters into commerce and leads to victims’ injuries or death. These cases can be brought against responsible manufacturers, as well as sellers, designers, distributors, and marketers, depending on the type of product and each party’s role in the process. Defects in pharmaceuticals and medical devices are some of the most potentially harmful to those who use them, since they are relying on these products to cure or aid an existing illness or ailment.

Manufacturers who release defective products are strictly liable for injuries that occur due to that defect. Strict liability applies to hold manufacturers responsible for the harm caused if their products pose an unreasonable risk of injury when used as intended. Design defects occur when a product’s design, or blueprint, suffers from a fundamental flaw, which makes the product inherently dangerous to consumers. Manufacturers can be held liable for this defect when the danger was apparent, given a product’s intended use, before it was released, and the manufacturer had the option to use a more appropriate, and economically sound, design.

Manufacturers also have the duty to warn consumers about dangers that are known to be associated with their products, such as a drug’s side effects or potential complications of a medical device. Sometimes these manufacturers, eager to get their products on the market, and driven by cost-incentives, disregard this duty, which leads to serious injuries and sometimes even fatal results. Where manufacturers know, or should have known, of a product’s danger, and do not take adequate steps to warn consumers, they should be held liable for the harm that occurs. Many times product liability claims involve detailed investigation, research, and complicated experts and testimony to be successful. Consulting a knowledgeable and seasoned product liability attorney can be vital to making sure these claims are handled appropriately. In Massachusetts, the statute of limitations for product liability suit is three years from the date of the victim’s injury, making timing important in pursuing legal action.

Personal Injury Representation for Boston Residents

Boston injury lawyers at the Naumes Law Group handle claims by individuals injured by dangerous medical devices, products, and medications, including transvaginal mesh, talcum-based products, Stryker hip implants, and Xarelto. Our firm represents clients throughout Springfield, Worcester, Waltham, Watertown, Hyannis, Malden, Medford, Taunton, Peabody, Braintree, Weymouth, Quincy, Pittsfield, and Plymouth, as well as Suffolk, Middlesex, Barnstable, Berkshire, Bristol, Essex, Franklin, Hampden, Hampshire, Norfolk, Plymouth, and Worcester Counties. If you need legal assistance after being injured by a defective product or medication, please contact our office online, or by calling us toll free at 844-826-8445, or locally at 618-227-8444, to find out more about our services.

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